DoseSmart teamed up with ION design to develop the Smart Pill Bottle Cap, a portable, intelligent, medication monitoring platform with an integrated health data management system that addresses drug adherence, non-compliance, and abuse issues for healthcare providers, clinical research organizations, and the military. Non-adherence of prescription medications affects 40-50% of patients with chronic conditions. The Smart Pill Bottle Cap is thought to be responsible for at least 100,000 preventable deaths and 100 billion dollars in preventable medical costs per year.
Building off of existing user behaviors, ION created a simple bill bottle cap that functions just like any other cap. The intelligent pill bottle cap along with the app tracks each opening of the lid and provides a 4-stage reminder system; it starts with visual and audible alarms, SMS text messages, and finally a phone call. The IoT web platform also provides features for reporting and analytics for clinical trials and research organizations.